Saturday, April 28, 2012

Keep on Keepin' On


The goal is to blog 10 times in 30 days.. this is my second post in 10 days.. at this rate... I'll post 3 blogs in a month.... Ah well... I guess a goal is supposed to make you reach and stretch and grow... whether or not you have accomplished that goal is irrelevant at the end, the important thing is that you grew... right?

Anyway.. I don't feel like much has happened in 10 days... nothing important that I remember anyway...
Work has been a challenge for me lately... I'm struggling to make tasks for myself and find my self hmming and hawing about what I need to do... I'm working on that, but it just feels like... well... like I don't really know what to do... that is pretty weird to say... especially in my position. But I think I'm ready for a change... I don't know what that means for me though... Does it mean I need a change of scene? Do I need to move away from this negative town? I say negative because there are tons of elderly people in this community and it begins to wear down on you after some time... The elderly have a sense of entitlement around here and the energy is OLD... which is kind of funny though since I've seen on many occasions, men and women (indoors) wearing fancy new designer sunglasses... which just makes me roll my eyes... I guess it seems... even Senior citizens can wear things that make them look.... hmmm... prick-like...?

I try my best to see them as children of God... just like myself... with their own personalities and such... but with the (again) sense of entitlement attitude... it's hard to see past that and be friendly...

People here seem to never smile, or have a sense of humor... I guess that comes from... well... ya know, I don't really know what that comes from..? It's quite annoying to me though... Maybe I joke around too much, but recently I've been watching YouTube videos of this show called: Just for laughs- Gags... it's a hidden camera show where they pull pranks on the unsuspecting... and... its really quite fun! The people who get pranked always have a good laugh and big smiles on the show... that being said... I'm not one to pull elaborate pranks off by myself... no doubt I would LOVE to do that and have fun, but... I just never really did anything like that... but from time to time I like to mess with people... just for a laugh... for instance. I had a root canal done a couple of weeks ago and afterward I went to get a shake from Jack in the Box. I went through the drive thru and ordered my shake. My shake was handed to me in exchange for my payment (card). The shake looked great, with whip cream on top and a cherry placed on top of that... I quickly took the cherry and bit off the fruit from the stem... while enjoying it I decided to "mess" with the cashier who was handing me my receipt and card back... I held out my stem and said.. I only got a stem but no cherry...... she asked... Really??... Naw, just kidding... (Now...I thought they would smile and maybe laugh because they were younger than me... perhaps more carefree and fun... and would appreciate a break in the monotony) Oh... she said flatly and kind of rolled her eyes and looked annoyed and closed the window...

Wow....I guess people just don't like to have fun... I guess maybe I joke around too much... I don't really know.... Anyway... annoying...

Anyway... I know I'm ready to move back to TX.... I'm tired of this place.... the scenery is beautiful... however, It doesn't make me as happy as TX does when it comes to good ol' Southern Hospitality and friendliness.... Well... thats all for today.... enough of a vent.... I need to write more...

someone.... keep me on track.. :)

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

First off...

This is my first and last attempt to create a blog. If it doesn't work out, who cares? If I ever want to go back to it, the page will still be here. But who knows.. it might really take off.

***Just as a note to readers out there: for some reason, I like to type ... instead of commas or just a single period at the end of my sentences. I don't really know why I do that but, it is what it is...***

In my attempt to keep a journal, I am going to try to write here as often as I can. It wont always be long, nor profound... But I hope I can keep with it. My goal will be to write ten entries in 30 days.

My writing wont always be about me. I imagine that I will write what ever comes to my mind. And my grammar needs work, so if you feel like being a Nazi... feel free to correct away.

Today was so very lazy. I slept in late and then got up and watched a bit of stuff on Netflix and then took a nap.. I know... how freakin' lazy can one get? Then I finally took a shower and went to mutual night at church. I am the Priest's quorum adviser for my ward at church, so once a week I get to go to church and kind of hang out with the teens in my ward. After that I drove back home and had dinner and then searched google for some kind of recipe. I was given elk meat as a gift from someone and I decided to make elk burgers. So I searched google for about 30 minutes for a nice recipe... I never found one. Most recipes were for meals made with elk meat... but never elk burgers... oh well... I made what I thought would be good... I mixed ingredients in and made some patties. I cooked them on the skillet and tried one... yes... after I already ate dinner.... AND....... meh. I thought it was ok... not something I'd want to eat everyday... I like to buy the organic ground beef at Costco and make things out of that.. I am trying to eat better.... which always seems to be a struggle. I guess that's why I was sort of eager to try the elk burgers since.. well... they are wild and "organic". Anyway.. Now I'm here after about an hour of mucking around the Internet, I'm writing... and that's about all I'm gonna do today... until next post..... Tee tee why elle...