Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day

Well Ok :) three written blogs in about a month... could be worse...

Today was pretty great :) I woke up today a bit earlier than I normally wake up and got ready for church. My mom decided to come to church with my wife and I for mother's day. I was actually pretty surprised that she wanted to come. She told me that, since it was mother's day, that she would make me happy by coming to church... which.... doesn't really make a whole lot of sense to me, but... oh well.... I should be making HER happy today. She came over about an hour before church started. When she arrived I just finished making chocolate chip waffles. She came in and I set down a plate before her and she was pretty thrilled about that. :)

We ate and chat for a bit and we all got in the car to drive to church. We got there and sat down and had a pretty decent seat for church sacrament meeting. Or so I thought...

My mom commented on this after church but I thought this for most of the sacrament meeting of church.  We could barely hear the speakers talking, even though they were amplified with a microphone. We had sat in the row in front of about two rows of children and their families... Today was a particularly noisy and fussy day for these children.  We took our sacrament and listened to our speakers. Two speakers were freshly off their mission. The talks were pretty good, and one in particular rang true to my wife, Shannon.

We attended our second hour meeting which was our Gospel Principle class. This class consists of learning the principles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I think my mom enjoyed that class and it was very informative and a lot of people chimed in at the right times to share thoughts and answer questions the instructor asked. It was interesting to hear my mom tell me why she didn't go to church anymore. She whispered in my ear at a part in the lesson about revelation. Most churches believe that heaven is closed off and that we do not receive revelation from God or Heaven anymore. Well The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints DOES believe that. We believe that God has many more things to teach us and that he does speak to us. Most churches believe that The Holy Bible is the only way we can learn of God. But I believe there is more.


Not to get all preachy on this site. Just something that happened. I'm very happy that my mom came to spend the day with me. It was a nice change.

Speaking of Change:  Tomorrow... (Monday) I will be putting in a transfer to go back to Texas. After my last blog entry.... I think it's easy to see why. I also believe that Texas will have many more opportunities for me and my wife. Anyway... that's the news of the day... aaaannnddd.... I'm not spell checking, or proofreading... so I hope this reads ok. :)

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